2024-03 Release Update

With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.

General Updates

  • There are major changes for specific clients coming out in this release that includes requested forms, surveys, and UI changes. Please reach out to your relationship manager for updates specific to your configuration.

Clinical Updates

  • Requested forms for organizations located in Florida, California, Louisana, and Michigan are going live.

  • Appointment Tab changes

    • Added the insurance name and ID fields to the appointment screen.

    • Added linked forms to the appoint screen.

    • Added the emergency contact info to the top banner.

    • Added the ability to add additional service codes.

    • Added the ability to add insurance information.

    • Added SOAP Note to the Notetype dropdown. This will create four additional text areas when selected.

    • On the provider side, the insurance is now multiselect to be able to easily capture multiple insurance.

    • Clicking on a form will now open a pop up with the name of the form & associated status.

Custom Requests

  • JOT Forms intake forms are going live for the requested center.

Last updated