Breathalyzer Test

Coaches and counselors can remotely queue their clients to complete a breathalyzer tests. Results from a BAC are not shown to the client.

Please Note: An approved Sober Peer BAC device must be used to remotely test your clients.

Setting a BAC Test Schedule

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab.

  2. Select the Breathalyzer tile

  3. On the left hand side, search for a client in the client search field. You can select 1 or more clients for which to set the schedule.

  4. Choose the duration for which to schedule the tests, along with whether the cycle should be weekly or daily.

  5. Select the number of tests per day and then put in the start times, or select the Random field to allow Sober Peer to randomly determine the schedule time on a daily cycle.

Taking a BAC Test

Completing a BAC test can be done in under 2 minutes.


  • The client has been prompted to complete a BAC test via the Sober Peer mobile app.

  • The client has access to a stable internet connection.

  • The BAC device is charged and able to be powered on.

Taking the Test

  • Open up the Sober Peer app and click the alert to take the test.

  • Agree to the prompt to turn on the location access, bluetooth, camera, and microphone of the device. Each of these 4 permissions is required to be enabled while taking the test.

  • On the next screen, follow the prompts to turn on the BAC device.

  • Once the device connects to the phone, the app will then prompt the client to get ready. You'll see a blue bar at the bottom start to charge up as the BAC device warms up.

  • For the last step, follow the prompts to blow into the device. Make sure to keep the camera pointed at you while you complete the test. To the best of your ability, blow using one continuous breath. You can slow down the rate of your breath to make this easier if you run into any trouble keeping it to one breath.

That's it! From there, the video will automatically upload and provide a confirmation that the video was uploaded successfully.

Initiating a BAC Test On Demand

In addition to setting a schedule BAC test, coaches and counselors can trigger an on-demand test to be completed within the next 15 minutes. The client will be immediately alerted on their phone that they need to complete the test.

This feature is only available to clients that have an existing BAC test schedule.

  1. While on either the Admin > Breathalyzer tile section, or while viewing the client's profile, press the arrow icon on the right hand side of the tile. The client will then be prompted to complete a breathalyzer test within the next 15 minutes.

Viewing BAC Tests

Once a BAC test has been completed, coaches and counselors can view the results on either the client's profile page or on the client's timeline.

Troubleshooting Connection Issues with the Breathalyzer

Unlike a standard Bluetooth device, the breathalyzer device does not need to be paired to the phone prior to initiating the breathalyzer test. Instead, the breathalyzer will pair with the phone only at the moment that the test is initiated.

Last updated