2024-01 Release Update

With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.

General Updates

  • A new chart has been added called Recovery Measures on the client's profile. This chart shows the client's baseline scores for each of the twelve behavioral health categories in red and the current scores in green.

  • Augmentation has been expanded to also be able to run on client journal entries, daily affect surveys, recovery measures, and client performance scores.

  • Shift logs can now be exported when directly viewing the shift logs instead of having to go to the Reports tab.

  • When exporting to excel, the icon to do so has been updated to a more modern design.

  • Admin > Staff > Updated the logic to the "Registered Clinical User" to more easily indicate if a staff member has the correct permissions to access the clinical side of Sober Peer.

  • Added the ability to edit the client's phase level end date for closed client records. This allows staff members that are updating previous records to easily edit the record without having to re-open and close the file.

Clinical Updates

  • Alerts on the dashboard are now grouped by the type of alert.

  • The ASAM 2.0 has been slightly updated to accommodate recent changes.

  • When any appointment note or form is signed by a staff member, the staff member's NPI number is now imprinted along with the date/time stamp.

  • Added new status columns under the patient's profile > Authorizations indicating the payer's authorization status.

  • Added the ability to download a full PDF of the client's profile. Staff members can choose which part of the profile to include in the generated PDF.

  • Added the ability to assign care team members when doing a bundled service.

Value Based Care

  • New functionality added when defining milestones and tasks within the goals.

  • Client goals can now be selected at the contract level.

  • Added new tabs including Contract details, Contract Terms, Authorizaitons, and Documents to the Payer Portal.

  • When selecting a client with an active smart contract, the first screen that loads will now default to the smart contract.

  • Minor design changes to the Goals Library Screens to make it easier for users to edit and remove goals.

Custom Requests

  • Custom screening questions have been added for the requested centers.

  • The LOCUS form has been added for the requested centers.

  • Several other center-specific changes have been added. Please meet with your account rep for further updates about any specific requests.

Last updated