Recommend Starting Workflow

While there is not a mandated workflow on how to use the clinical side of Sober Peer, there is a generally recommend process for counselors and therapists new to Sober Peer.

General Function


Add a new client

There's no use going further if there's not a client record first. Add a new client by pressing the "Add a Patient" button.


Update the client's information

Now that the client's account has been created, it's time to fill out the client's record. This is particularly important when it comes to clinical documentation.


Complete the intake forms

Are there any client disclosures that are required? Assign the forms to your client on the Forms tab. These will pop up on your client's app and on the kiosk.


Create an initial appointment

On the appointment tab, click a date to setup the initial appointment.


Document the appointment

Once the appointment is done, make sure to change the appointment to "Kept". For billing purposes, only appointments that are marked as kept can be billed to the client's insurance.


Use the screening tools

Here is where it's important to assign and complete an ASAM.


Create a Treatment Plan

You must have completed an ASAM prior to creating a treatment plan.


Discharge a Client

Once the client has completed the program or has chosen to end early, discharge the client on the Discharge tab. You will need to complete the Discharge Summary document to finalize the discharge.

Discharging a client will lock the client's file preventing further changes from being made by the counselor. Make sure that all notes are signed, assessment tools are completed, documents uploaded, and client forms are recorded prior to discharging the client.

Last updated