Mobile Advisors

The Mobile Advisors dashboard provides information about clients that are remotely managed.

For programs that allow their in person clients to use their phone to access Sober Peer, your clients profile will also show up here.

Providers with access to this dashboard can view the following information:

  • Average Client Scores

    • Average Sober Peer Behavioral Scores, Faith, and Addiction scores for active clients.

  • Active Paid vs Free Clients

    • Number of paid and free users.

  • App Subscriber Status

    • Number of active and inactive users

  • Advisor Types

    • Number of coaches, counselors, and guides active

  • Clients Engaged

  • Total and active number of engaged clients by coach, counselor, and guide categories.

  • Total Connected Population

  • Total Number of Interactions

  • Average Client Scores by Advisor Type

  • Monthly Revenue (Center Admins Only)

  • Advisor Details

    • High level information about each coach, counselor, and guide active for the provider including the number of active clients and monthly revenue.

  • Client Map

    • Shows a map of the client's location history and activity.

Last updated