Client Management

Adding New In-House Clients

When creating a new in-house client, there are 3 different types of clients that can be created:

  1. Under the Clients section, click the button New Enrollment.

  2. Several client sections will then appear. Fill out the required fields, pressing the Next button to advance to the following section.

  3. Once complete, click the Save button to create the new client.

Changing a Client's Status

To transfer a client from the intake status to the enrolled status, the client will need to have a Level of Care assigned to the client. Once a level of care is added to the client's profile, then the client will transition from intake to enrolled.

Level of Care

Setting the User's PIN

In-house clients have the ability to use a PIN to authenticate their ID in Sober Peer. Setting the PIN takes under 60 seconds.

  1. Navigate to the client's profile.

  2. Click the Edit Profile button next to the client's photo.

  3. Press the PIN button.

  4. Have the client type in the new PIN.

  5. Click Save.

Discharging a Client

Changing the status of an in-house client takes just a few clicks.

  1. Navigate to the client's profile.

  2. Click the Discharge button.

  3. Fill in the required fields (discharge date, discharge reason).

  4. Click the Save/Submit button.

Discharging a Client

Enrolling a New App Subscriber

  1. Press the More button located in the top left of the Mobile Advisors Dashboard.

  2. Select Send Mobile App Referral from the dropdown.

  3. In the pop-up window, type in the First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, and Email of the client.

  4. Click the Send button.

  5. A pop-up confirmation will appear confirming that the invitation was sent. Click Ok to acknowledge the pop up and return to the Dashboard.

Finding Existing Clients

It’s easy to find a client in the Students section by searching or using the filter function. Most of the time, you’ll probably know the client’s name so finding a client will be very straight forward.

  1. Type the client’s name into the search bar at the top. You can search by either the first or last name of client.

  2. As you type, Sober Peer will narrow down the list until only your client is left.

Keep in mind that the default filter is only for enrolled clients. To view clients no longer enrolled in the program, first change the filter by clicking the Filter button and change the status to either "All" or the appropriate status.

Last updated