Client Metrics

Client metrics can be viewed on the client's profile on the enterprise system. There are four key metrics. The scores use

  1. Sober Peer Behavioral Rating (SPBR). This is Sober Peer's custom score used to provide coaches and counselors insight into their client's current behavior. The score is calculated from the ongoing surveys and screening tools that the client takes daily. Higher is better. It is not unusual for a client to start low, then go lower as the client opens up about their recovery, then gradually rise to 80 or higher over the course of treatment.

Of all the Client Metrics, this is the score that will change most frequently as the client completes their daily surveys.

  1. Faith. This is a measurement of the client's ongoing sense of spirituality. It is not faith or denomination specific.

  2. Addiction Severity. This is a measurement of the Addiction Severity Index of the client. Lower is better. A higher score indicates that the client's addiction is having a greater negative impact on his or her life. Most clients are between 28 - 33.

  3. Gateway Score. This is a numerical score of the client’s opinion of where they are in the recovery process. You can use it as a tool to determine areas where there is alignment or disconnect versus other tools like ASI.

Interpreting the Scores

Client scores are interpreted by Sober Peer and recommendations are delivered back to the enterprise side via the System Observations available on every client's individual page.In addition to the automated results, we suggest reviewing the individual question answers at least on a weekly basis to ensure that clients are improving in a logical progression. For example, when reviewing the surveys, consider the following questions

  1. Is the client reporting an overall improvement in his or her SPBR? If not, in which areas is the client not progressing?

  2. Is the client more hopeful about the future?

  3. Has the client's meaningful relationships improved? Is he or she reporting a greater connection to a spouse, parent, or close friend?

  4. Is the client open about the need to change? Though it is not 100% of the time, for many clients in treatment, they are at a low point in their life and recognize the need to change in order to improve their situation.

  5. Is the client reporting any mental health or psychiatric concerns? Are they reporting suicidal ideations or thoughts of self harm?

Of course, there are dozens of additional questions that can and should be considered when reviewing the client's survey results. We encourage our providers to develop their own list of “green, yellow, and red flags" to look for when reviewing a client's profile.

Calculating the Scores

The SPBR is initially calculated using the gateway questionnaire and then is updated every time the client takes one of the daily Sober Peer surveys built into the app.

The Faith score is a sub-component of the SPBR and is strictly calculated using questions under the spirituality header. Sober Peer recalculates this score on a monthly basis.

The Addiction Severity Index is calculated one time. It is the second survey completed by all clients after enrollment. You can rescore a client manually by assigning the survey titled Addiction Profile. Some providers have chosen to re-run the ASI at custom intervals of their own choosing.

The Gateway Score is calculated from the Gateway survey. This survey is one of the first 3 surveys taken when a client joins Sober Peer.

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