2023-10-09 Release Update
With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.
General Updates
Added the Discharge Reason to the client header.
For discharged clients, the following fields are now editable as controlled by a corresponding new permission located in the Admin > Staff > [Staff Name] > Permissions > Edit Closed Records:
Admission Date.
Discharged Date.
Discharge Reason.
Phase Level Start Date.
The diagnosis field is now mandatory when completing a lab order.
Duplicate time travel events are now being consolidated as a single event. This change will greatly clean up client time travel records.
Peer Recovery Services
Removed the text beside the timer.
Added buttons to quickly schedule a new appointment and start the session.
Added a hyperlink to be able to call the client directly after saving the client's initial information.
Added a hyperlink to quickly create an appointment using a three dot menu in the top right of several pages.
Added the ability to add notes during a session. These notes then copy to the user's clinical notes if there is a clinical profile.
Changed the program field to be optional.
Changed the "reason for visit" field to be optional.
Updated the field options for "appointment type" (telehealth, in patient's home, etc).
Clinical Updates
Added a required signature box to the "Psychiatrict Progress Note - Global" form.
Custom Requests
ASAM version 2.0 has been released for the Pacific Northwest region at their request.
For applicable centers, the "Acknowledgement and Consent" form has been updated to reflect the center specific information.
Removed the ability to pick the date on the "Client Information Sheet" form for the requested center.
Last updated