The Basics

New users can follow this basic guide to get started with using Sober Peer. Once the basics are mastered, then it is easy to incorporate the other features, offerings, and capabilities offered by using Sober Peer.

General Overview

Users will want to start with the following skills, including being able to:

  1. Login to his or her account.

  2. Enter a new in person client.

  3. Ensure the client is able to complete his or her daily survey(s).

  4. Review the client's profile to track daily progress.

  5. Update the client's record with any notes, course updates, tasks, and growth plan changes.

  6. Discharge the client to the mobile platform.

Logging in for the first time

Staff profiles are created by the center administrator. Once created, the staff member will receive an email notification inviting him or her to create their password. Simply click the link to be directly straight to the password creation page.

The links to create a password will time out after 24 hours. If this happens, simply request a password reset at this link, which will kick off the same process.

Entering a new in person client.

New clients can be entered a number of ways depending on the type of client. In general, for a client being created for an in person stay, you'll want to do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Clients > Enrolled page.

  2. Click the blue "New Enrollment" button located in the top right of the page.

  3. Fill out the required information in the client's profile, making sure to at least fill out the mandatory fields. Keep in mind that this information can always be updated once the client's profile is created.

    1. Clients will not appear in the "enrolled" status or show up on the corresponding kiosk until a phase level is added to the client's profile. Phase levels can be added under the Phase Level tab, which is always the second tab in the list. This helps separate clients that call into the center and provide their information as compared to client's that are physically with you.

  4. Click the blue "Save" button located on the bottom right of the page to proceed to the next step.

  5. After creating the client's profile, you'll be prompted to have the client set their unique four digit PIN as well as create a profile picture. Most clients will use the profile picture to login to their kiosk profile using facial authentication. However, in the even that the facial authentication fails, then the user will be prompted to enter their PIN.

Users can always update their photo and PIN once the profile is created. For more information on how to do so, check out our guide here.

That's it! Now the client's profile is setup and he or she will appear on the kiosk.

A more detailed guide on how to enter and manage clients can be found on the Client Management support page.

Ensuring that the client's profile appears on the kiosk.

As long as the client has an activate phase level, then the client will appear on the kiosk. The kiosk will automally refresh within a minute or two of the profile being created and a phase level being added.

Users logging into the kiosk for the first time will be prompted to complete at least three basline surveys. These first surveys help provide a starting point to gauge your client's recovery journey.

After completing the first surveys, client's will typically only see a single survey available that typically takes less than 2-3 minutes to complete.

Part of your responsibility in using Sober Peer is to check in with your clients to make sure that they are completing their daily surveys. These surveys provide valuable insight that you can use to help progress the recovery journey.

Depending on your center's additional requirements, there may be additional surveys available to users logging in for the first time.

You can learn more about the client surveys by reviewing the Client Metrics page.

Reviewing the client's profile for daily updates.

Now that the client is completing their daily surveys, check back in every day to review survey updates. In particular, you'll want to spend a minute or two reviewing the following:

  1. Is the client's Sober Peer Behavioral Rating going up or down? This is a high level reflection of the client's progress. If the score changed significantly, what recent answer drove the change? Think about how to incorporate this new feedback into your individual or group sessions.

  2. Use the enhanced AI augmentation available on the Client Dashboard to see if there are any insights that Sober Peer can provide. It can be

  3. What surveys has the client completed in the last few days? Make sure to click the surveys to review the specific answers by navigating to the Survey Dashboard and clicking the specific surveys to bring up a secondary fly-in that includes the answers.

  4. Has the client entered any journals? Make sure to respond with at least a quick comment. Simple feedback provides continued encouragement to the client to continue to decompress about their past.

Updating the client's record with any notes, course updates, tasks, and growth plan changes.

Besides a quick review of the client's profile, it is important to keep the client's chart up to date in order to maintain clean records. All parts of the client's profile can be updated directly on the client's page by clicking the relevant tab on the right hand side of the screen.

Additionally, the AI augmentation incorporates information provided by you, so the more uptodate information on the client record, then the more relevant the AI augmentation insights will be.

The key things to keep uptodate are as follows:

  1. The client information (demographics, start date, history of drug use, medications, etc).

  2. Progress notes (this can be daily/weekly/monthly depending on your organization's policies).

  3. Assigned tasks.

  4. Courses.

  5. Growth Plans.

Discharging the client to the mobile platform.

Once the client has completed the program or is otherwise ready to leave, Sober Peer provides a seamless way to continue to interact, track, and monitor the client's recovery journey after they leave your facility.

To discharge a client, click the blue "Discharge" button directly to the side of the client's profile photo to complete the client discharge workflow. At this time, you can also invite the client to connect with you on the mobile app, which provides an easy, starightfoward way to continue to keep in touch with the client for the months and years to come.


And there you have it! By being familiar with these basic steps, you'll be well on your way to mastering your use of Sober Peer to monitor and track your client's recovery journey. Make sure to check out the other pages on this support site to learn more about the other capabilities within Sober Peer that can further simplify your workload.

Last updated