2023-08-29 Release Update

With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.

General Updates

  • Minor text change while discharging clients. Now, users will be prompted to "Move to digital care. Send the Mobile app link."

  • Removed the $500 intake fee question on intake except for clients located in centers that requested this function.

  • A bug related to Note Types not actually being archived is now resolved.

Clinical Updates

  • Forms for adolescent centers now require a Parent/Guardian signature along with the ability to enter the name of the individual.

  • Peer Recovery services are now added to the Claims tab. This allows users to separate service lines related to Peer Recovery services as compared to clinical services.

  • Added a new "Pre-intake" filter to the Patient Management tab.

Report Updates

  • Instances of care is now implemented for the following reports:

    • Client KPIs by Center

    • Discharge and Cost Overview

    • Staff Outcomes

    • Client Roster

    • Center KPIs

  • In-Person clients are now included in the Census Report.

  • The Discharge and Cost Overview Report now includes totals at the bottom of the columns for the following three columns.

    • Discharge Count

    • Days Enrolled

    • Cost of Care

  • The Client Roster report now includes a date range filter.

Custom Requests

  • Clients in Hastings, Nebraska now have 15 additional forms requied for their women & children's program.

  • When Australia is selected as the center's country, the State & Zipcode fields are now Australia specific.

  • For clients in the Pacific Northwest, the following changes were made to the Prospect forms:

    • Comments captured in the "Allergies" notes field will be continued forward to the client's profile.

    • Removed a confirmation pop-up when adding and removing Screening Questions under the Admin > Screening Questions Library subsection.

    • Comments entered under the Demographics tab are carried forward to the client's enrolled profile.

Last updated