2023-08-29 Release Update
With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.
General Updates
Minor text change while discharging clients. Now, users will be prompted to "Move to digital care. Send the Mobile app link."
Removed the $500 intake fee question on intake except for clients located in centers that requested this function.
A bug related to Note Types not actually being archived is now resolved.
Clinical Updates
Forms for adolescent centers now require a Parent/Guardian signature along with the ability to enter the name of the individual.
Peer Recovery services are now added to the Claims tab. This allows users to separate service lines related to Peer Recovery services as compared to clinical services.
Added a new "Pre-intake" filter to the Patient Management tab.
Report Updates
Instances of care is now implemented for the following reports:
Client KPIs by Center
Discharge and Cost Overview
Staff Outcomes
Client Roster
Center KPIs
In-Person clients are now included in the Census Report.
The Discharge and Cost Overview Report now includes totals at the bottom of the columns for the following three columns.
Discharge Count
Days Enrolled
Cost of Care
The Client Roster report now includes a date range filter.
Custom Requests
Clients in Hastings, Nebraska now have 15 additional forms requied for their women & children's program.
When Australia is selected as the center's country, the State & Zipcode fields are now Australia specific.
For clients in the Pacific Northwest, the following changes were made to the Prospect forms:
Comments captured in the "Allergies" notes field will be continued forward to the client's profile.
Removed a confirmation pop-up when adding and removing Screening Questions under the Admin > Screening Questions Library subsection.
Comments entered under the Demographics tab are carried forward to the client's enrolled profile.
Last updated