2023-08-14 Release Update

With every release, there are always minor changes and updates. Below are some of the more impactful changes made.

General Updates

  • When creating a small group, there is now updated text to indicate that the small group virtual link takes 60 seconds to generate.

  • Added a bookmark feature to the Ask YOUUniverse chat. The bookmark will allow users to pickup on common questions when chatting with the YOUUniverse.

  • During the prospect creation phase, users can now navigate to prevoius tabs.

  • During the prospect creation phase, notes and appointments created are now carried forward throughout the client's lifecycle.

  • Value Based Contracts now have a billable vs non-billable workflow depending on the client type.

  • Growth Plans now have the ability to convert a personal growth plan to a public template (and vice versa). Public templates are also automatically pushed from parent centers to child centers.

    • To edit public templates, the staff member will need the required "edit public templates" permission on the Admin > Staff > {Staff Name} > Roles & Permissions setting.

  • When adding a growth plan template, there is now a warning message if the user tries to navigate away from the page, preventing the accidental erasure of the growth plan template.

Clinical Updates

  • For adolescent centers, the parent/guardian signature is now required for all forms.

  • A new warning label is now available when viewing a client's profile. This warning label will show common issues such as the phone number not being present on the client's profile, the client not having downloaded the app yet, the client not logging in recetnly, or the phone number not aligning with the client's mobile profile phone number.

  • Augmented summary is now available for clinical clients.

Report Updates

  • The Advanced Analytics report has been updated to include the center ID as an available field.

  • Titles and headings for the Advanced Analytics report has been updated to be more self explanatory.

  • Added a new client analytics page and radar chart to dive deeper into the client's data.

Custom Requests

  • Pacific Northwest users continue to receive specific intake settings to facilitate client intake.

  • Canada users have updated phase level reports.

  • Australia users now have several required fields removed, as requested.

Last updated