Kiosk Overview

Kiosks are tablets that run a specialized version of Sober Peer designed to be use for in-patient facilities.

We recommend mounting the kiosk in a common area, cafeteria, or other location that clients hang out so that the kiosk is accessible to everyone.


Kiosks provide the ability for clients to interact with the Sober Peer system without having to use a personal device.

  • Complete daily surveys. Surveys help to build the client's behavioral profile and lend key behavioral insights to the coach or counselor between appointments.

  • Create a digital journal. Keep track of your recovery progress by writing about it! Clients will have the choice to keep the entries private or share them with their counselor/coach. Counselors/coaches can also respond to journal entries to keep the dialogue going between appointments.

  • Access assigned course work. Reading material and study questions can be provided to clients and accessible via the app.

  • Access growth plans. Growth Plans that have been assigned to the client will be accessible from within the app.

  • Complete ROIs. Streamline your Release of Information forms by integrating them into the kiosk. Clients can digitally review, complete, and sign all forms and have them digitally attached to their profile.

  • Take a breathalyzer test. This is especially helpful for OP, IOP, and residential settings. Upon entering or re-entering the building, clients can complete a breathalyzer test and have that video and result become part of their client history.

Client Access

Depending on your center's configuration, there are two ways clients can access the kiosk.

  1. Clients approach the kiosk, select their picture from the available options, and use facial authentication or their PIN to log in.

  2. Clients approach the kiosk, provide their first name, last name, and date of birth, then use facial authentication or their PIN to login.

Please contact Sober Peer if you would like to switch between the two login types.


The kiosk comes pre-installed with a remote management software that allows Sober Peer to push pre-determined system controls to the device. Once configured, the kiosk has extremely limited access to the Internet to prevent clients from access inappropriate sites or otherwise tampering with the device. The only allowable functions on the device are as follows:

  1. Access to the Sober Peer kiosk app.

  2. Access to using Safari.

  3. Limited access to the Settings app.


Sober Peer regularly releases updates to the kiosk app. As of April, 2023, please ensure that your kiosk is operating at version 3.6 or higher. The version is located in the bottom left of every screen.

Last updated