Augmented AI

Augmented AI is Sober Peer's proprietary tool used to provide real-time analysis on your clients based on their survey answers.

At a high level, it can be used to:

  1. Provide a detailed client summary that includes information taken form the client's record along with their survey answers. Client summaries highlight key information according to each of the 12 behavioral categories used to generate the Sober Peer Behavioral Rating.

  2. Identify inconsistencies in the client's record.

  3. Generate an action plan for your client.

  4. Review your client's spiritual journey and provide specific advice on how to incorporate spiritually minded practices into their lives.

  5. Provide several biblical qoutes releavant to your client's recovery journey.

Gaining Access to Augmented AI

To gain access to the Augmented AI feature, please have your center administrator contact his or her dedicated account representative at Sober Peer. If you do not know your account representative, then feel free to reach out to our support agent, Charlie, using the chat window located in the bottom right of every page on Sober Peer.

Required Licenses to Use Augmented AI

Each center that uses Augmented AI will need two licenses:

  1. A base price access to the augmented AI. This allows access to the augmentation component.

  2. Tokens. Each augmententation uses a very small amount of tokens. The center will need tokens in order to complete the augmentation.

Last updated