Downloading Sober Peer Directly from the App Store

  1. Navigate to the App Store.

You can also print out the following QR codes to help facilitate your clients downloading the app.

Google Play Store -

Apple iOS App Store -

2. Click Download and Install.

3. Once installed, open the app from your device and begin setting up your profile.

4. Depending on how you registered, you will be prompted to select a Coach of Counselor as well. You can skip this step by clicking the "I want to explore the app" located at the bottom of the screen.

That's it! You are now registered on Sober Peer!

If you end up not choosing a coach, make sure to send your coach or counselor a message letting them know that you've registered. Additionally, take a moment to introduce yourself to the community by posting in the community forum section of the app.

Last updated